Tips and Tricks to make the best use of MS Teams for Service Desk

Nimit Gupta
4 min readFeb 2, 2021

Note- This was 1st written at The original author is Anantha.

MS Teams is one of the best chat-based collaboration tools that provides teams with the ability to work together and share information via a common space. We are making this claim because of the features that MS Teams has to offer.

4 Features why you need to consider MS Teams in Service Desk Industry

  • Document collaboration
  • One-on-one chat and team chat
  • Video meetings, file storage
  • Application integration

MS Teams comes with many Office 365 services, such as Skype, SharePoint, Exchange, and Yammer. Since Skype is replaced with MS Teams, this has become a powerful tool that can be efficiently used for global, remote, and dispersed teams.

What makes MS Teams ideal for a business?

MS Teams provides versatile options for communication and this is how it can help your business:

  • Enriching Communication is offered where the modern form of communication is embedded into the system such as ‘likes’,’ gifs’, and ‘emoticons’.
  • Focusing only on the essential details helps you find relevant information easily while ignoring everything else.
  • Onboarding becomes easy as everyone is kept inside the loop on the updates of the Organization’s progress on a particular project.
  • Security is one of MS Team’s most highlighted feature as your data is encrypted while in transit and at rest.
  • Since the MS Teams market is versatile, users can chat on the MS Teams easily from any device.

Why do we need to integrate Service Desk into MS Teams?

One of the most highlighted features of the Service Desk is its ease of access. Integration of Service Desk with MS Teams, allows you to collect tickets from a variety of sources all in one app.

MS Teams acts as a one-stop-shop for accepting, approving, and resolving tickets. This ensures transparency from end to end. The use of MS Teams allows Streamlined processes to take place which in turn can decrease the time it takes to solve problems and also provide fast solutions to the users to ensure they have an enriching experience.

Service Desk integration into MS Teams:

Service Desk when integrated into MS Teams helps users to get all the essential service desk updates right inside their chatbot. This is how makes use of this integration to obtain maximum benefits:

  • Sending notifications when you receive a reply to a ticket, or when a note is added to a ticket that is assigned to you.
  • Allowing the agents working on a particular ticket to perform quick actions like sending replies, adding a private/public note, right from their MS Teams account
  • Approving/Rejecting of service requests happens very quickly
  • Making use of commands to fetch, filter, and to track any service requests

Few best practices to follow with MS Teams:

  • Using Built-in bot commands such as ‘Filter Tickets’ allows you to filter tickets assigned to an agent/group based on multiple factors such as the priority and the status of a request.
  • If there is a need where you need to highlight a specific ticket then you can do so by typing the following command @mention your team members to ask for their assistance.
  • Other commands such as ‘My Tickets’ or ‘Fetch Tickets’ will help you to quickly bring the list of tickets that are assigned to you, and commands like ‘Associate’ will allow you to associate tickets to a group.

MS Teams offers a wide range of tools and functionalities. Here’s how makes use of these features:

1) Chatbots:

When an issue is reported by an end-user, both the technicians and end-users need various kinds of information about their service desk tickets during the ticket life cycle.

Chatbot, an in-built feature of MS Teams allows the users to interact with ServiceDesk of to fetch information and perform various service desk actions for quicker resolution all within one app; MS Teams.

These Chatbots can also be used by the technicians to add notes, approve requests, pick up requests, assign the requests to respective technicians, and to resolve tickets through the actionable cards within the chat window.

2) Incident Management:

When a major issue occurs, Service Desk teams can make use of MS Teams to-

  • Tag relevant Service Desk members to get started on the issue for its resolution
  • Post regular updates on the status of the issue
  • Post solutions as and when these issues get resolved

3) Providing a Self Service Catalog:

A Chatbot making use of Conversational AI can be set up with the most frequently asked questions so that time and resources can be put to use for more stressful matters. If the users’ problem has not been resolved by the Chatbot then, it can connect the End User to the Service Desk staff.



Nimit Gupta

Digital Marketing Specialist | Inbound Marketing | Growth Marketer | B2B Lead Generation | LinkedIn Trainer | Podcast Host